Jesus, First
A lot of stuff has been added to Christianity over the years.
I’m Jeff Mikels, and I want to help you get back to the Jesus of the Bible.
My mission is to help people find their joy in following Jesus.
Disillusioned with modern forms of Christianity?
Tempted to leave the church even though you still love Jesus?
Unbeliever wondering why Christians aren’t known for love?
I want to help you find those answers and more.
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Dear Christian Conservative: Vote Your Conscience
Today is Super Tuesday meaning that a large number of states are having their primaries for the Presidential election. Currently, for conservatives, Donald Trump is far out in the lead with Nikki Haley,…
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Let’s Talk about Salvation: Part 2
Salvation and Forgiveness in the Gospel of John In my previous post, I considered a large number of passages in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) referring to salvation and forgiveness, and…
Let’s Talk About Salvation and Forgiveness: Part 1
I’ve been thinking a lot about this idea recently: What would it look like if we were as eager to forgive as Jesus was? This is a tough question because for most of…
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Evangelical Idolatry
I’ve been going through a dilemma. The question on my mind is this: How do I talk about my book with people who don’t know me all that well? Or, more to the…
Martin Luther King, Jr: Theologian
One of the great failings of my theological life is an ignorance regarding the religious perspectives of the Black community in America. It’s no secret that African Americans are the most religiously observant,…
The Wisdom of Yoda: Let it Go
I started writing this post almost 20 years ago, but strangely, I find it applicable to our world today, so I’m finishing it now. Back in 2005, I had the chance to see…
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Nothing has the power to change a person’s life more than the simple straightforward teaching of the Bible, but to change a heart, it must touch the heart.
Whether you have been in church all your life, or are totally new to the Bible, I want to open your eyes to its life-changing truth.