Christianity Today has an interesting article on its website about
setting goals. Particularly, it is Jack Hayford’s own perspective on goal
setting-he doesn’t do it!
Here’s the link to the article:
I Don’t Set Goals
Here’s a quote from the article:
- What are your primary goals for the immediate and long-range future?”
The question came from the audience at one of our annual pastors’
seminars. - “I have none,” I replied.
- Dubious stares and blank looks everywhere. I continued, “We never set
goals-that is, in the sense of numerical targets, fund-raising drives, or
enlargement campaigns. Our one goal is to build big people. Every effort
goes into developing each believer in the threefold ministry of worship,
fellowship, and stewardship of the gospel.”
Read the rest of the article
(make sure to open it in a new window), and then post a comment.
I would say that GODS OWN WORD and PROMISES are the goals we should aim for. Legalism sets strict limits but love has no clearly defined limits because sometimes Gods love takes us on a journey rather that a fixed schedule or known end results. When some disciples came to Jesus in John 1 and asked him where he was staying, Jesus simply said COME…..AND SEE. He said FOLLOW ME, without giving them exact plans. When they asked Jesus when he would restore the kingdom to Israel, Jesus told them not to focus on such exactness but to wait and when the power come upon them, they were to ACT. So its clear jesus did not intend for us to be so exacting in our following Him, but to be obedient to His call, day or night and to just COME. Leave the vision to Him and move towards Him, without being so secular-minded. God teaches us to ‘walk in faith’ not to walk by sight. Then why do we insist on walking’by sight’???