All our messages working through the book of Proverbs.

#wisdom (Proverbs)
Now more than ever, we live in a society where passion gets to drive, knowledge rides shotgun, and wisdom is forced to sit in the back if it's even allowed in the car. We can't continue to live that way. It's time to get back to what's important....

#money (Proverbs)
The #money series is a sub-series of our #wisdom series of messages. In this series, we are exploring what the book of Proverbs (with help from the rest of the Bible) has to say about money....

#fakenews (Proverbs)
Recently, our society has been flooded with concerns about "Fake News." Our President is accusing previously trusted media outlets of spouting "fake news." Our media outlets are fighting against the social media "fake news." And the FBI is doing research into "fake news" injected into our lives through the efforts of foreign governments! On April Fool's Day 2018 we will launch into a series on ......

#feelings (Proverbs)
As part of our series on wisdom from the book of Proverbs, we are tackling a few specific issues addressed in the book that deserve special treatment. The first one is our feelings....

#sex (Proverbs)
What does the book of Proverbs have to say about sexuality? Something important!...

#feminism (Proverbs)
Continuing our series through Proverbs, Pastor Jeff tackles a topic not often addressed in churches. Feminism....

#me (Proverbs)
As we come to the second to the last topic in our #wisdom series, we tackle what wisdom has to say about how we view ourselves....

#spirituality (Proverbs)
In this final message of our time in Proverbs, Jeff Mikels takes us to the absolute limits of what Proverbs can teach us....