Would you like to boost your spiritual growth? Would you like to get into a regular habit of Bible reading and prayer?
Well, of course you do, but you probably are thinking that you don’t have enough time to do any of that. Here’s a little solution for you. For some time now, I’ve been familiar with a little method of Bible study called “Seven Minutes a Day with God.”
Here are the details…
- 1/2 Prayer for guidance (Psalm 143:8)
- 4 Reading the Bible (Psalm 119:18)
- 2-1/2 Prayer
Adoration (I Chronicles 29:11)
Confession (I John 1:9)
Thanksgiving (Ephesians 5:20)
Supplication (Matthew 7:7) - = 7 minutes
I have found this to be a great method to begin a good habit, but there’s one more thing I’d encourage you to do. During the reading time, don’t just read the Bible for four minutes. Read the Bible and take some notes in a notebook. You might want to read the Bible for two minutes and then write in a notebook for the other two.
Also, don’t just pray your prayers in your mind. Write them down in a journal or at the very least keep a written list of your current prayer requests. Also, make sure you review the prayer list and write down the ways that God has been answering your prayers!
Only seven minutes for a stronger spiritual life? You can do it!
not just seven minutes. . . . . . you could always spend time with god anytime….
Great discussion. And I REALLY like that you practice what you preach. That’s when you can tell a post has come together.
And I’m also fascinated by how fresh you made the routine [admit it: what you just shared has been regurgitated millions of time. ;-)].
Ben Johnson said people don’t need taught as much as they need reminding.
Good work.