No one came to last night’s Bible 101 study that I had scheduled at our house.
In light of that, I’ve determined to not focus on programs that aim to “get people to come” and instead, focus on meeting people one-to-one to key in on evangelism and discipleship. In light of that, I’ve decided to put some time into producing a new evangelistic tract.
I’ll go ahead and post the content here, so you can comment if you wish.
Here is my initial design goal for the project:
GOD is real (and everything you have heard about him–well, almost everything–is true.)
- he is perfect
- he is good
- he is loving
YOU are important (but most of what you believe about yourself isn’t true.)
- you are loved
- you have a purpose
- you are wounded
- you are distant
JESUS died for you
- Jesus is real
- Jesus is perfect
- Jesus is alive — many convincing proofs (acts 1, 1 cor 11? 15?)
- Jesus is King
GOD restores
- to wholeness
- to relationship
- to your purpose
- to your future
God’s work in your life looks like this…
- Awareness of emptiness
- Pursuit of fulfillment
- Recognition of God
- Acceptance of His Will
- Surrender to Love
- Living in Love
If you want to follow this project, be sure to subscribe to my new evangelism category.
I was love for you publish a new evangelistic tract