I read this over the women to close out my message on Feb. 12, 2012.
Sister, you are so beautiful.
The light of the heavens shines in your gentle eyes.
God made you from the rib of another so that you would always know the depth of need for love, connection, and wholeness.
And you are whole. You are gifted to know yourself and others as they really are as whole people and to draw out of them their very best.
You are sensitive and compassionate, and you know the very heart of God who longs for reconciliation with those he loves.
And so, I call on you, sister, to live from a higher standard of beauty, to rise with a gentle spirit above the hollow and empty measuring stick of the magazine racks, to create beauty and harmony in the world around you, and to bring your whole person to everything you do.
And in all your interactions with men, display the beauty and harmony of a spirit so submissive to Christ that it respectfully draws godly leadership from your brothers.