Just because I was a little eager to get them all online, I’ve posted my doctrinal statements to my personal wiki. You can check them out if you want at…
Jeff, I’m sure you don’t remember me as I graduated from college when you came to AV First Baptist. You might remember my parents: Bud and Imogene Watson. My dad was a scripture listener for Awana kids as well as a deacon. My mother was one of the pianists. We came to the church in 1958 when it was still meeting in the Apple Valley Grange Hall on Apple Valley Road. Our pastor at the time was a 20-something David Riddle who had started the church and was also our milkman! When he left to start a church up in Independance, Pastor Bob Wolfe came with his five children. He was the main influence on my life and I loved their family dearly. Pastor David Beal and his family came when I was in high school. I remember my parent’s excitement when your family came. My dad always called your dad ‘The Boy Preacher’. When my father was dying in a Hollywood hospital, your dad was praying at his side. He came down with Walt Zimmerman. What a blessing it was to see them. Your dad preached my dad’s funeral and your mom sang. Daddy always loved her singing.
I remember my mother being very broken hearted when your folks left, but she always knew God was in control. She stayed at the church until 1997 when she could no longer live on her own and moved to the Bay Area to live with my sister, Debbie. She is now 90 and in failing health, but she sure does love the Lord.
This is just some background on me. I found your site by accident looking for something else. I am new to the blog world and got involved because of my concerns about Azusa Pacific University and the direction they are headed theologically.
I’ve read alot of your site and I am thrilled at your solid and uncompromising theological stand. So many young pastors today don’t even seem to be saved. God always keeps a remnant though. I believe God will bless you as you seek to start this new church. My Daddy will be looking down from heaven applauding you as he grew up in Plymouth, IN and graduated from high there, all without being saved (that happened later in Chicago). God bless you!
I totally do remember your parents, if she remembers me, tell her I’m thankful for her and I can still remember her playing the piano for Sunday School events.
Thanks for taking the time to read my site here a bit. Have you had a chance to check out our church planting efforts? We are beginning to enter the time crunch countdown to launching Sunday services. Please be praying for us.
Jeff, I’m sure you don’t remember me as I graduated from college when you came to AV First Baptist. You might remember my parents: Bud and Imogene Watson. My dad was a scripture listener for Awana kids as well as a deacon. My mother was one of the pianists. We came to the church in 1958 when it was still meeting in the Apple Valley Grange Hall on Apple Valley Road. Our pastor at the time was a 20-something David Riddle who had started the church and was also our milkman! When he left to start a church up in Independance, Pastor Bob Wolfe came with his five children. He was the main influence on my life and I loved their family dearly. Pastor David Beal and his family came when I was in high school. I remember my parent’s excitement when your family came. My dad always called your dad ‘The Boy Preacher’. When my father was dying in a Hollywood hospital, your dad was praying at his side. He came down with Walt Zimmerman. What a blessing it was to see them. Your dad preached my dad’s funeral and your mom sang. Daddy always loved her singing.
I remember my mother being very broken hearted when your folks left, but she always knew God was in control. She stayed at the church until 1997 when she could no longer live on her own and moved to the Bay Area to live with my sister, Debbie. She is now 90 and in failing health, but she sure does love the Lord.
This is just some background on me. I found your site by accident looking for something else. I am new to the blog world and got involved because of my concerns about Azusa Pacific University and the direction they are headed theologically.
I’ve read alot of your site and I am thrilled at your solid and uncompromising theological stand. So many young pastors today don’t even seem to be saved. God always keeps a remnant though. I believe God will bless you as you seek to start this new church. My Daddy will be looking down from heaven applauding you as he grew up in Plymouth, IN and graduated from high there, all without being saved (that happened later in Chicago). God bless you!
Thanks Melody!
I totally do remember your parents, if she remembers me, tell her I’m thankful for her and I can still remember her playing the piano for Sunday School events.
Thanks for taking the time to read my site here a bit. Have you had a chance to check out our church planting efforts? We are beginning to enter the time crunch countdown to launching Sunday services. Please be praying for us.
Stay strong and faithful.
Somehow the links aren’t working right now.