Making commitments can be a threatening and sometimes scary experience. Just a couple weeks ago, we had our annual commitment Sunday, and many people signed the commitment books.
But perhaps you are wondering, “Will I be able to keep the commitment that I’ve made to God for this next year?” “Will I want to keep this commitment?”
I’ve met many people who are hesitant to make commitments of any sort (much more so when it comes to commitments to God) because of this hesitation and concern about the longevity of that commitment.
However, what we fail to realize well enough is that no matter how committed we are to God, he is far more committed to us! In fact, God is so committed to us that our commitments to him are guaranteed.
During this series, we will consider some of the biggest promises God has made to us in the Bible to prove the point that he is far more committed to us than we are to him!