Get yourself in a Christmas mood with these Christmas messages.

All Things New
God is making all things new… he will make all things new… it’s just what he does. Still, at the same time, he keeps revisiting the same old promise.
Peace on Earth
The Christmas declaration of peace on Earth is not a promise for the future. It’s a reality for today.
Home for the Holidays
It’s 2020, and everyone is telling us to stay home for the holidays. Maybe you’re hunkering down, or maybe you are trying to travel, but one thing is for sure, this Christmas does not feel normal. Life isn’t normal, it’s not comfortable, but it can be better. No matter where you are, you can still […]
Jelly of the Month
Christmas can be a very disappointing time of the year, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, when you learn the true meaning of Christmas, you discover that what looks disappointing at first might be exactly what you need.
Starlight, star bright… first star I see tonight… Each Christmas, our minds get filled with a bunch of wishes. If there were a way to make those wishes come true, what would actually make the list? What would you wish for?
A Very Cranky Christmas
In this series, we explore some ways to get past our Christmas Crank and rediscover the joy of the season!
Christmas is for everywho… Jesus came for whos like you!
Here to Serve
The reason he came was to serve. The reason we are here is to serve.
Season of Giving
In the words of Charlie Brown, “Christmas is too commercial!” His words are more true today than they were way back when he first said them. We live in a world that has taken the celebration of Christmas to absurd commercial extremes. So much money is spent on and made on Christmas that retailers now […]
Hope Fulfilled
The Christmas season is a season of hope… everyone knows that, but what good is hope?
A Blockbuster Christmas
We are a unique church attempting to engage our culture without embracing it and attempting to speak to our culture without boycotting it. Toward that end, we are exploring the Christmas story through the eyes of popular Christmas movies. You’re sure to be surprised at what we find.
He Came
God sent his son at the right time in the right way, and he came to us to be for us everything we needed. He came to be Prophet, Priest, Son, Savior, and King. He came to be everything we need. Our Christmas 2011 series covers the deepest significance of who Jesus is.
Get Everything You Want
How do you get everything when you can afford nothing? Simple. You refocus yourself on the things money can’t buy, and you’ll soon find less desire for the things it can. In this series of messages, our pastors lead us through lessons on how to get the things we truly want: Peace, Joy, Love, Light, […]
They Should Have Known
Around Christmas, it is easy for us to spend time talking about the traditional stories many of us heard as children—Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, No Room in the Inn, Shepherds and Angels, Wise Men and a Star. However, each of those stories loses power if we don’t understand the words of the prophets leading […]
In this series, Pastor Jeff will take us on a tour of the Grinch’s heart to prove that all of us are really Grinches, but that the message of Christmas contains the power for us to grow our hearts. Fight your inner Grinch and expand your heart this Christmas!