All my January vision-casting messages.

On the Rock
In this series, we’re going back to the foundations of the Christian life and the church to realize they are both built on the same rock. By building our individual lives on the right foundation, and by doing it together with others, we get stability in our lives and also get to see Jesus build […]
Hindsight Is 2020
2020, am I right? What in the world was that all about? In this series, we try to learn our lessons from last year to see what God has in mind for us moving forward.
What if the best way to get ahead was to take a few steps back? In this series, we explore the backwards shortcut to amazing spiritual growth.
At the beginning of the year, we tend to think of the promises we want to make to ourselves, the good intentions we have for the coming year. Some of us make “Resolutions” but most of us don’t anymore because we are tired of disappointing ourselves. Actually, the problem with resolutions is that there isn’t […]
Time to become people of greater vision…
Main Things
At the beginning of the year all of us begin to think about our priorities for the coming year. Some people make resolutions or other commitments for self improvement. Here at LCC, we are going to focus on keeping the main things the main things.
What if there was ONE thing that could guarantee you a good year?
Four Life-Giving Choices
Four choices you can make are more important than all others…
Inside Out
We have a tendency to live our lives from the outside in. We let the people around us, the society around us, and many other influences around us shape us and mold us until we begin to look a little bit more like everyone else. But that’s not the way life is supposed to be. […]
The Elements
Jesus is our model for life and spirituality, and Jesus’ character and actions can be distilled into four core elements that express the teaching of the entire Bible. We live these elements and we look like Jesus. The Old Testament teaches these things. Jesus taught these things. Jesus lived these things. The Bible expresses them […]
Year of Destiny
This is your year… every year up until now has been preparing you for this one, and this year is the one that will prepare you for all the following years. God has a plan for you for this year. He has something he wants to do in you, something he wants to do for […]
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. — Matthew 6:33 There’s an order to life. There is an inherent priority to the way the world has been designed. Our problem is that we try to live by our own priorities and then wonder […]
Some people have it. Some don’t. Some people get it. Some people won’t. What is “it”? What is that intangible quality that makes some people more confident, more poised, more successful than others? Certainly, in America, we could point to money or physical attractiveness, but there is something that crosses all the boundaries of superficial […]
Your life is like a star. No, not the celebrity kind of star, but the flaming ball of gas kind of star. Real stars are always walking the tightrope between exploding and collapsing. The immense force of gravity is offset by the tremendous forces in the core. That is our metaphor for the first month […]
Fresh Air
It’s January 2009, and we have the chance to begin a brand new year with new hopes and new challenges. Perhaps your 2008 was a little stressful. Begin 2009 with a breath of Fresh Air. In this series, we discuss the four core values of our church from the perspective that they are the four […]