I know it has taken me far too long since I last wrote to my blog, but the weather here is pretty cold and my fingers just won’t type as well as they should!
I spoke with Steve over at the Midwest Church Planting office to see what it’s going to take for us to start drawing support from them so that we can make our move to Lafayette. It turns out, that we are at 57% of our needed support and that we are ready to start drawing on those funds.
All we have to do is incorporate as a church, and then MCP will send a check once a month to our church, and my paycheck will officially come from the bank account of the new church.
That means we need a name.
If you haven’t already read my other article on naming philosophy, please check it out now. “What’s in a name?”, but here’s the basic point.
I’m pretty sold on the idea of having a generic, geographically focused name for the main organization of the church with “sub-brands” for each of the ministries of the church. Our worship service might be branded “Upward” or something like that. If we went this route, some possible names are:
- Lafayette Community Church
- South County Church
However, I could be swayed to pick a name that is based on a predominant metaphor for the church. Our predominant metaphor is that of people taking spiritual growth seriously, one step at a time. Some possible names are:
- The Next Level Church (but it’s already been done in other parts of the country)
- New Day Church
- FORWARD church
Give me some feedback!
Lafayette Community Church
You have been talking about being a community of believers. The LWL 201 class talked all about community and relationships between each other and God.
You have an awesome task ahead of you!
What about Southside Community Church.
Thanks Bruce & Linda! I’ve been really wondering how people around Lafayette refer to the southern part of the county. I’ve heard one family use the term “South County,” but I haven’t heard that from anyone else. Do people use “Southside” more often?
Yes , we are hear West side , Eastside, etc.