In 1 Corinthians 10:13, we read: No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. --- 1 Corinthians …
More on Homosexual Recovery
This week, CNN posted an article describing a recent report that attempts to help homosexuals "recover" do more harm than good. Since I wrote an article on this very topic (see Is There Recovery for the Homosexual?.), I thought it would be good to have a link to this new article here and to add a …
Quick Study on the Rapture
This week at my Life Group, we looked at the clearest teaching in the Bible regarding the rapture, and I've become even more convicted about one particular position. This post is intended to guide you through the same study we considered this week and to give an inside track on what I'm currently …
You Can’t be Both Pre-Trib and Calvinist
If you are a Calvinist: you believe that God has "elected" or "chosen" those who would be saved from before the foundation of the world. you believe that those whom God has chosen have been predestined to respond to the gospel when God woos them. you believe that salvation comes entirely without …
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Statement on Human Sexuality
Apparently, with the legal pressure provided by pro-homosexual lobbies, there is a threat that churches will be liable to lawsuits for anti-homosexual practices unless our position on the issue is clearly stated in religious terms. The recommendation is that we amend our statement of faith to …
God cares even if we don’t realize it
This morning, I was reading in the Old Testament book of Leviticus, and I was in the chapters giving the regulations for what kind of animals are okay to eat, what to do about dead animals, and what to do with skin rashes. It's interesting to me to think that the people of old had no idea what …
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What’s wrong with premarital sex?
What's wrong with premarital sex? One of the questions I get a lot is the question about sexual morality as it relates to the Bible, and it's one I have thought a lot about as well considering that I do quite a bit of marital counseling and also considering that I'm a guy and I think about these …
Seven Keys to Biblical Prosperity (7)
This post is part of a series. You can read them all by clicking here So far, we have considered these keys to biblical prosperity: Cultivate a Trust and Obey Perspective on the Bible Steward with Generosity Eliminate Greed Watch your Entourage Invest in People Keep Your Eyes Open for Spiritual …
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Seven Keys to Biblical Prosperity (5-6)
This post is part of a series. You can read them all by clicking here So far, we have considered these keys to biblical prosperity: Cultivate a Trust and Obey Perspective on the Bible Steward with Generosity Eliminate Greed Watch your Entourage Today, we move on to keys 5 and 6. 5. Invest in …
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Seven Keys to Biblical Prosperity (3-4)
This post is part of a series. To view all the posts in this series, click here Yesterday, we considered the first two keys to Biblical Prosperity: Cultivate a Trust and Obey Perspective on the Bible Steward with Generosity Today, we will be looking at numbers 3 and 4. 3. Eliminate Greed In …
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Seven Keys to Biblical Prosperity
Yesterday at LCC I had the privilege of talking about a topic that is just as controversial and unbelievable as it is true. I discussed the Biblical promise that God wants his people to be prosperous. Nevertheless, I am not one of those preachers who proclaims that God wants his people to be …
Feeling Spiritual Can Be Idolatry
Gleaned From: That Worship Feeling. "Sometimes, contemplatives think that the whole end and essence of their [spiritual] life is to be found in meditation and interior peace and the sense of the presence of God. They become attached to these things. But recollection and meditation are just as …
How to Teach Busy Kids about God
On that day tell your son, "I do this because of what the LORD did for me when I came out of Egypt." --- Exodus 13:8 "My kids are too busy!" Our world is putting increasingly large burdens on our children. Whatever happened to the days when children would come home from school at 2 or 3 in the …
You need a foundation not feelings
I've been doing some thinking recently about where spiritual beliefs come from, and just recently, I had a kind of epiphany. Let's see if I can explain it: It all came about because I was having a conversation with a man who was telling me about his faith journey. His story is that he had done a …
Questions About The Secret
Recently, I got this question from a member of our church and thought my response might help others too. Here's the question: Jeff- I received an email from a Ukrainian student that was my roommate. She was on the border of accepting Christ but she recently wrote me about how she saw …