I'm working on some postcard ideas for my October series... Your comments are welcome! CHOOSE WELL - Series Concept Title: Choose Well Subtitle: { four questions to guarantee good choices } Felt need: Whether it's during the time of an election or not, people feel a sense of anxiety when it comes …
Barack Obama and John McCain Get Real
Rick Warren hosted a "civil forum" where he took roughly 50 minutes with each candidate asking questions from all over the political map. Two very insightful questions were: What is your greatest moral failure, and what is the greatest moral failure of the USA? What current Supreme Court …
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Churches to Watch
Apparently, these are the 250 best(?) churches to track for ideas... sounds like a lot of them to me. How can you "track" 250 churches? http://churchrelevance.com/resources/churches-to-watch/ …
Professional Sunday Morning Video Presentations
In our new church effort in Lafayette, I set as a goal from very early on that we would attempt to do everything we could with excellence, and though we have had some hiccups with our children's programming and with our music, we have been consistently high quality with our printed materials and …
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2008 State of the Union Address
I just read the transcript for President Bush's State of the Union Address before Congress and I must say that I was rather impressed. I have never known the man to deliver a riveting speech, but the text of this address is profound nonetheless. He of course reports on the various successes that …
Productivity Experiment #2
I wasn't really satisfied with my first productivity week, so I'm going to do it again this week. And I'm feeling more intense about it. There's one major thing coming up in the life of our church that is prompting me to get more productive and it is our WHY campaign. To hear what I have to say …
Productivity: Week 1 Results (and self analysis)
I spent last week doing a productivity experiment that was really just a project of tracking of what I wanted to accomplish and what I actually did accomplish. Though the experiment didn't turn out the way I had wanted it to, I learned some things about myself, and in this post, I share what I'm …
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Productivity: July 23, 2007
Here is my activity/productivity list for the day: Devotional study of Psalm 116 (BI: Those who know God's salvation respond with love.) -- 30 minutes Prayer bike ride through a new neighborhood -- 60 minutes Blog about my productivity experiment -- 40 minutes Work on processing audio for Sunday's …
How Productive Can I Be?
I'm entering into a week of experimentation. I'm experimenting with myself to see how productive I can be. Just yesterday, I preached a message on how we can actually find fulfillment in our pains and struggles, and I was thinking that something uncomfortable for me is the bearing down into a …
10 Ways Pastors can Use Blogs
I thought this article at Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox was interesting. For my own reference, here are the first 5 suggestions and the ones most relevant to me personally: 1. Blog your city --- Talk about upcoming city-wide events, upcoming service projects of your church, share photos of the …
Preaching in Crown Point
I just wanted to post something quickly to say that our time in Crown Point went really well on Sunday. Jen, the kids, and I all went up there Sunday morning and had a good time at the service. Afterward, Pastor Tony and his wife treated us to lunch at Portillo’s. It was a great meal and a …
A Whole New Mind
A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink http://www.danpink.com. Daniel Pink has written a very interesting book about the coming shift from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age. He makes an interesting claim that the Information Age is already over and a new way of doing business has begun. The book …
Creating and Monetizing Communities
The title of this post comes from a video posted on Guy Kawasaki's blog about a Chicago company called Threadless that has users create designs for T-Shirts and then sells the finished product. I thought it was an interesting way to talk about there business, and I haven't finished watching the …
Improve Your Preaching
One of my favorite blog sites is http://presentationzen.com because it takes a critical look at the way people present information in a public setting. As a pastor, I've been presenting information to people for a while now, and I've been using powerpoint to be a visual aid in the process, but this …
A new website has recently been created by Justin Carboneau called sharemytestimony.org with the primary purpose of giving people a place to share their personal testimonies online. It's an interesting concept, and his web design isn't half bad, but I'm personally unsure of the value such a site …
Tonight at the Skylight
All I can say is that God must like it when I'm working on the computer (sometimes) because tonight at the Skylight, I found out that one of the computers had a virus on it. I've worked on those computers before, so Kim told me I could take a look at it. …