This series group contains every series that walks through a book of the Bible from beginning to end. Plus, there’s a bonus series at the beginning that covers some important truths about the Bible itself.

The Holy Bible
Just because it is the world’s greatest book doesn’t mean it is the easiest to understand. Join us for a four week journey into how to understand the Bible. Jeff will teach us how we got it, how to read it, and why it matters.
Back to the Start (Genesis)
Find your fresh start in the book of beginnings. The Bible begins with a fascinating story of God creating something good and humans rejecting the good things he has given in favor of exercising their own independence. It’s a story of how humans mess things up and God continually intervenes to start again. It’s a […]
Time to Move (Exodus)
In this series, we will be looking at the book of Exodus to answer the question, “When God says it’s time to move, will I be on board?”
Secret Agents (Leviticus)
Studying the ancient manual for secret agents in the third book of the Bible.
Start Again (Numbers)
Numbers is the story of a God trying to bring his people to their blessing…
Pep Talk (Deuteronomy)
What do you say when you really need to motivate someone to do what you know is best for them? That’s the dilemma faced by Moses in the book of Deuteronomy.
Fearless (Joshua)
To be honest, I’ve had my moments of fear. I usually use the word “worry” but that’s not really any better, and it’s more accurate to call it what it is: Fear. I have fears that my goals won’t be accomplished, that I’ll encounter some unpleasant situation, or that my greatest efforts will be fruitless. […]
Heroes (Judges)
What if I told you there was a group of people who together could conquer any enemy? What if I told you there was a group of people who together could turn any wrong around into blessing? What if I told you there was a group of people where every single one had the power […]
Redemption (Ruth)
2020 has been a year of trials and hardships. Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel? In fact, can anything good come from a time so dark? The story of Ruth says, “Yes!”
The Pursuit
In the book of Samuel, everyone is chasing something. Some find what they are looking for and some don’t. Whether they find what they are pursuing depends entirely on what they are pursuing. What about us? What about you? What are you after?
Bad Days (Job)
In this series, we are going to study the ancient story of a man named Job to learn an amazing truth about the Why of suffering.
#wisdom (Proverbs)
Now more than ever, we live in a society where passion gets to drive, knowledge rides shotgun, and wisdom is forced to sit in the back if it’s even allowed in the car. We can’t continue to live that way. It’s time to get back to what’s important.
#money (Proverbs)
The #money series is a sub-series of our #wisdom series of messages. In this series, we are exploring what the book of Proverbs (with help from the rest of the Bible) has to say about money.
#spirituality (Proverbs)
In this final message of our time in Proverbs, Jeff Mikels takes us to the absolute limits of what Proverbs can teach us.
#me (Proverbs)
As we come to the second to the last topic in our #wisdom series, we tackle what wisdom has to say about how we view ourselves.
#feminism (Proverbs)
Continuing our series through Proverbs, Pastor Jeff tackles a topic not often addressed in churches. Feminism.
#sex (Proverbs)
What does the book of Proverbs have to say about sexuality? Something important!
#feelings (Proverbs)
As part of our series on wisdom from the book of Proverbs, we are tackling a few specific issues addressed in the book that deserve special treatment. The first one is our feelings.
#fakenews (Proverbs)
Recently, our society has been flooded with concerns about “Fake News.” Our President is accusing previously trusted media outlets of spouting “fake news.” Our media outlets are fighting against the social media “fake news.” And the FBI is doing research into “fake news” injected into our lives through the efforts of foreign governments! On April […]
Into the Fire (Daniel)
On any given day, people who try to do the right thing face difficulty and opposition. Sometimes it’s subtle. Sometimes it’s overt. Sometimes the hardship even comes from within us. Perhaps not surprisingly, the Bible repeatedly challenges God’s people to stand firm under trials, resist opposition, endure hardship, and over all to trust God that […]
Complain Better (Habakkuk)
We live in a critical world, and we have been trained to be critical people. We complain a lot, but that doesn’t mean we are good at it. In this series, we look at an ancient prophet to discover simple rules for how to complain better!
Here Is Our King (Matthew)
The rule of the schoolyard tells us that you always want to be on the team with the strongest player… even if it’s a bully. It’s our greatest temptation, if we can’t be the strongest, to be on the same team as the strongest. We choose leaders who seem powerful because they make us feel […]
Great News (Mark)
Only about 20 years after Jesus’ ministry on earth, a man named Mark became convinced that it was time to write out the story of Jesus so that everyone would know it as well as he did. He likely was present for many of the events he records even though he wasn’t an eyewitness to […]
Real Proof (John)
Can you see it? You have to look hard to find the real proof! The problem with faith is that we aren’t wired up to naturally believe in what we can’t experience. Everything about us tells us that we need to have something touch our senses in order for us to know it and believe […]
Mission Possible (Acts)
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: You will be witnesses for Jesus in Lafayette, in Greater Lafayette and Tippecanoe County, and to the ends of the earth. In this series of messages, we explore key passages from the book of Acts to identify not only what our mission is, but what power we […]
Great News II (Romans)
In the previous series called Great News, we worked through the book of Mark to consider the story of the great news of Jesus, however, Mark was very clear knowing the story isn’t enough. People need to commit their lives to Jesus and the great news about him. Of course, Mark never got into the […]
Get It Together (1 Corinthians)
What’s cool about studying 1 Corinthians is that it’s a bunch of people far more messed up than we are! It’s a church with more problems than ours! It’s nice to see that you aren’t as bad as someone else, isn’t it? Well, actually, the lesson of 1 Corinthians is that church problems and Christian […]
Stronger (2 Corinthians)
Are you facing a moment of weakness or hardship? This is your time to experience the powerful strength of God at work in and through you! It begins with the message of Easter.
Break Out (Galatians)
The Apostle Paul broke out of partial obscurity with a brief but intense letter to the church in Galatia. In this letter, he is passionate, angry, intense, and harsh because he is so shocked that people who discovered the truth of God’s Grace through Jesus would turn away from it. He is shocked that people […]
Life In Christ (Ephesians)
It’s at the core of our mission statement, but what does it really mean? No part of the Bible better explains what “Life in Christ” is really all about than Paul’s letter we call “Ephesians.” Join us as we work through this powerful little book to learn about real life, our true identity, and the blessings we have “in Christ.”
Spin (Philippians)
Perspective makes all the difference
Deep (Colossians)
What we can see and know about God is only the tip of the iceberg, but some parts of the Bible open our eyes to get a glimpse who God is “below the surface” and what that means for the below-the-surface parts of our lives. This is a practical series of messages aimed at getting […]
We Are Chosen (1 Peter)
In our modern world of rampant individualism, Christians are not immune. But there is a solution to our individualism to be found in one very difficult truth. It’s a truth Peter presses in his first letter. Simply put, we don’t get to choose… we are chosen.
I Wanna Go Back (2 Peter)
After almost two months of Coronavirus isolation, people are getting impatient. They want to go back to work, they want to go back to church, and they want to go back to normal. Because we all just want life to be the way it used to be. Why? The letter of 2 Peter has an […]
True Love (1 John)
With Valentine’s Day upon us once again, Pastor Jeff turns our attention toward a book of the Bible that discusses true love in a way that is eye-opening and refreshing!
Losing My Religion (Revelation Part 1)
I’m not very fond of religion… and neither was Jesus. Religion is about the actions, emotions, and knowledge required to reach some spiritual goal. But it’s too easy for us to get into the actions and the emotions and the knowledge as if those things are ends in themselves. It’s too easy for us to […]
Uncovered (Revelation Part 2)
The book of Revelation is without question the most fascinating & frustrating book in the Bible. People have been fascinated with the imagery in the book for centuries, but to date no one has been able to successfully decode all of it’s secrets. The irony is that the first word in the original Greek text […]