I've been doing some thinking recently about where spiritual beliefs come from, and just recently, I had a kind of epiphany. Let's see if I can explain it: It all came about because I was having a conversation with a man who was telling me about his faith journey. His story is that he had done a …
Questions About The Secret
Recently, I got this question from a member of our church and thought my response might help others too. Here's the question: Jeff- I received an email from a Ukrainian student that was my roommate. She was on the border of accepting Christ but she recently wrote me about how she saw …
What is the Recession For?
John Piper, pastor, author, and founder of Desiring God Ministries, this week preached a sermon with a powerful message about the overall purpose of God in the midst of recessionary times. It's 45 minutes long, but unbelievably insightful! watch it hear it read it …
2009 Commitment Sunday
(Cross-posted at lafayettecommunitychurch.com. ) Yesterday was one incredible Sunday! For those of you who want to get the bullets first, here are the statistics on Lafayette Community Church's 2009 Commitment Sunday: 13 people were baptized. 3 children were dedicated. 152 people were in …
Guaranteed Success
Guaranteed success... Do what you were made to do in a way that positively impacts the most people possible according to the true limits of your circumstances. …
On self-determined beliefs
I'm amazed at how many people on their spiritual journey will accumulate beliefs that line up with the way they already think. …
Only four logically defensible spiritual paths.
As far as I see it there are only four logically defensible spiritual paths a person may walk. Accept yourself as the highest authority and pursue whatever interests you, including perhaps the rejection of all religious thought whatsoever. Accept your logic as the highest authority and rigorously …
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The Only Time I Give Satan Credit
Ordinarily, I don't give Satan any credit for anything that happens, but I have become convinced that there are some times when he rears his ugly head in particularly oppressive fashion. I believe Satan gets specifically active whenever a person …
Site Redesign 2009
I decided this weekend that it was about time for me to discipline myself again to update my blog more regularly but today I found that the design was too annoying for me to even consider adding new content. So I did what needed to be done. …
Invest in Every Relationship
Three years ago when I moved to Lafayette, I was encouraged to network with people, build as many relationships as possible, and invest in those relationships that showed promise. I was very quickly drawn to one particular fellow who seemed both spiritually curious and musically gifted. …
Barack On Abortion
I was disturbed to see this video from Barack Obama talking about his intentions regarding the abortion issue... …
I will write a novel in 30 days
Have you ever heard of NaNoWriMo? I hadn't heard of it until last year during the middle of November and by then it was too late for me to get into it, but the basic idea is to write a 50,000 word novel in the span of 30 days. Now, if you are like I was, you probably are initially thinking that …
New Church Brochures
I just finished putting together two new church brochures for our Grand Opening service on Sunday. By the way, if you haven't heard yet, we are changing our church name to Lafayette Community Church. Read About It Here. I'm uploading both brochures here for your use if you want. LCC Baptism …
5-minute Bible Reading Plan
If you follow this Bible Reading Plan, you'll be able to go through the whole New Testament by only reading five minutes a day for five days each week! http://www.navpress.com/uploadedFiles/5x5x5_BRP.pdf …
Postcard ideas for Choose Well
I'm working on some postcard ideas for my October series... Your comments are welcome! CHOOSE WELL - Series Concept Title: Choose Well Subtitle: { four questions to guarantee good choices } Felt need: Whether it's during the time of an election or not, people feel a sense of anxiety when it comes …
Barack Obama and John McCain Get Real
Rick Warren hosted a "civil forum" where he took roughly 50 minutes with each candidate asking questions from all over the political map. Two very insightful questions were: What is your greatest moral failure, and what is the greatest moral failure of the USA? What current Supreme Court …
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